Don't put up with uncomfortable corns or calluses any longer

Corns and calluses

Do you have a corn or callus on your foot that hurts when you walk? 
Callus and corns are usually a sign that there is too much pressure and friction going through that area of your foot.  If you have callus on the top of your toes its usually a sign that your shoes are too shallow.  Or you may have callus under the big toe joint, this usually indicates that this joint is not working effectively when you are walking and is being overloaded.

There could be a number of reasons why you are getting corns and calluses, so it is very important to accurately identify the reason and to put an effective treatment plan in place to ensure once the corns and calluses are treated that they don't come back. 

Corns and calluses are the symptom of another issue - treat the root cause and they won't come back.


Don't put up with painful corns or calluses, book in with us to get rid of them once and for all.

We always treat the underlying cause first so they don't come back

We can remove a corn or callus with sharp debridement using a scalpel but if we don't address the underlying reason you got it in the first place, it is likely to return.  During your visit we will remove the corn or callus using a scalpel which is typically a painless procedure and we will then determine the cause of your corn and try and address it.  For example, if your shoes are too shallow we may recommend appropriate shoes to purchase or if you have callus under your foot we may use padding to deflect the pressure.

IMPORTANT:  We recommend you avoid using corn pads

Some corn pads that you can purchase over the counter include salicyclic acid, which is caustic and can lead to damage of the healthy skin surrounding the corn.  This is particularly dangerous over bony protrusions like toes, so in a lot of cases it's best to avoid using corn pads and better to have your issue treated professionally.

Do your corns make it difficult to wear shoes and enjoy walking?  Don't put up with it any longer, take control today by booking in online or call us today on (03) 9457 2336 to see one of our podiatrists and get rid of your corns and calluses once and for all.

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