Clearanail Fungal Nail Solution | Safe, Painless, Effective


Have you tried other nail fungus treatments without success?
Try Clearnail and see the results you want

We see a lot of people in our clinic that are fed up with trying anti-fungal nail paints, laser therapy and even oral tablets to get rid of their unsightly fungal nails – these nail fungus treatments just haven’t worked for them, their nail fungus infection either doesn’t go away or keeps coming back.  

Toenails infected with fungus (onychomycosis) are difficult to treat due to their impermeable nature – the nail fungus infection lives under the nail plate and is therefore very difficult to treat safely and effectively.  This is the problem Clearanail solves. 

Bellevue Podiatry is the first foot clinic in Melbourne to launch Clearanail.

Fungal toenails can significantly affect your quality of life and stop you from wearing open shoes in social situations, and we often hear complaints about the exorbitant cost of laser treatments and fungicidal nail paints.  

Clearanail makes both economical and practical sense.  This smart tool safely and painlessly perforates the nail plate so a clinically proven and safe nail fungus treatment spray can penetrate and work effectively.

Clearanail enhances nail fungus treatment with controlled micro-perforation.

This anti-fungal solution device uses state-of-the-art micro-drill technology to make nearly invisible holes (0.4 mm in diameter) in the nail plate.  These holes allow topical anti-fungal spray to reach the nail fungus infection.  The drilling procedure is safe, effective, and painless.  

Clearanail pro also uses state-of-the-art technology to detect changes in nail density so you don’t feel a thing.  This way, it can drill nearly invisible holes deep enough to reach the nail fungus infection (onychomycosis) without penetrating the soft tissue underneath (we have used the drill in our clinic many times without a single patient complaining of any pain or discomfort).

How is this device different from other nail fungus treatments that treat onychomycosis?

Fungal nail infections of the nail are usually caused by the same fungus that causes tinea.  Terbinafine has been shown to be highly effective in destroying fungal spores in cases of tinea.  Tinea is easier to treat as it lives on the skin surface, but in the case of nail fungus infections, it is much harder for the terbinafine to reach the infection under the nail.  

We know topical terbinafine works and is safe to use so it is the active agent used in Clearanail.  The only barrier to its effectiveness is the nail itself – this is the problem Clearanail solves by safely and painlessly getting through the nail and killing the fungus (onychomycosis) underneath with a proven fungicide.

Once-off treatment: Depending on the number of nails to be treated, only one appointment is required to drill holes.  The holes remain in the nail bed until the toenail grows out and you see the results you want.

Safe: Some anti-fungal medications, such as Lamisil oral, can cause liver damage.  Drilling is localised, and the advanced technology does not harm the soft tissue under the nail.

Cost-effective: The typical total cost for Clearanail nail fungus treatment is only a fraction of other treatments such as laser therapy and PACT treatment and it usually only requires one visit.  Laser therapy for toenail fungus can cost well over \$1,000 and require multiple visits – Clearanail on the other hand is only \$220 for the complete treatment (plus consultation fee).  We do have the AfterPay payment option available for the service. 

clearanail melbourne

If you still have further queries please don’t hesitate to read through our Clearanail FAQ page.  

Prepare for the next warm season by acting now so you can go barefoot with confidence!  Take the first step by calling us today on  (03) 9000 0418  or book online for our fungal nail analysis appointment.  Get peace of mind Clearanail is right for you before having the treatment.

Ask Reception about our buy now, pay later option with AfterPay.

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